Attentions' Comments
(6) comments by Attentions

Comments by Date (6)
1-6 of 6
Re: Corefire Imp
Got him on my first try today.
Update: at 25 I find he's even stronger than the gregarious grell, and have replaced the grell with him in my main team.
Posted: December 01, 2012 12:58:27 PM
Edits: 2
Rating: 0
Re: Garden Moth
Just had a rare garden moth show up as a back up for a coral adder. had an unfortunate crit and lost him.
Weather was sunny.
Posted: October 26, 2012 2:44:07 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
Re: Gregarious Grell
I use this pet as my main battlepet. (My epic husband bought him for me as a companion for my warlock. SO MANY IMPS!!!) He can usually solo entire teams of wild pets 3-4 levels higher than himself. His humanoid heals and his cauterize are lovely. :)
Posted: October 24, 2012 5:47:33 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +2
Re: Clefthoof Runt
N.E. side of Oshu'gun.
Posted: October 21, 2012 12:15:37 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
Re: Sporeling Sprout
Unfriendly with sporeggar, killed a few snakes and frogs and one spawned on the east side of the town. :)
Posted: October 20, 2012 11:28:40 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
1-6 of 6
Found a common while doing the daily exp quest on a low level monk. This is a very loud pet (and much larget than expected) While you walk he makes noisy stomping noises and rawrs.