Atramor's Comments
(2) comments by Atramor

Comments by Date (2)
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If given some time this little Abyssal will start to channel a hellfire-like spell, just like the larger ones summoned by Prince Malchezaar during his fight.
I made four runs through Kara. Three were met with the Wizard of Oz fight and the last got Red Riding Hood. First toon lost at chess four times, the following two wiped once each. No pets dropped at all. Then the last toon got the Lil'wolf off of the big wolf. I lost at chess twice and got the Abyssal for my troubles. Woot.
Posted: May 27, 2013 6:19:39 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
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This question applies to Orumo as well:
Is there a way to see if Demidos is 'Active' and spawning on days your faction does not get sent to the Socrethar's Rise, besides the obvious ways (going there and waiting for any rare to spawn or checking an opposite faction alt)?