Atiram's Comments
(4) comments by Atiram

Comments by Date (4)
and tonight i found one rare. I captured it, and went on battling pet nr 2 on his team, a snake. i had my terrible turnip and i used the dot ability on the snake, then he burrowed and i did the same,THEN THE POWER WENT OUT, yes thats right,all the eletricity in the house went out and i was like nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
fate what has thy done unto me!? somehow the game kept me logged in and finished my battle, and i logged back to a sweet little blue fella among my pets
bougt myself a h/s breed for quite cheap. only 10k in fact:) lvled it up, and traded it for a s/s breed.
dont know which one is worth the most, a lvl 25, or the s/s, but im happy for sure. and it really doesnt take that long to lvl em either:)
I did all dailies on my main, no luck. i di em on all my alts, even those i hadnt logged in on for years that were above lvl 70,..but no luck.
I logged onto a alt and checked ah on my old server,..found one i ah for 5k, but no gold on char.... i contected seller asking if they wanted to trade it for anything- and they agreed=)
on the server im now playing at these goes for 13-20k, im so happy i got this new lil' fella (and didnt have to fork out all my gold), its my new favorite pets. he looks so darn cute!
been hunting a rare version on this pet for some time. today i got a p/s rare, i took it,..but still kept on to my p/p grey, pondering if i should rare it with a stone. i logged onto some alts parked on different realms, and what do you know- got a p/p rare aswell! now to get that moccasin,...