Athonx's Comments
(18) comments by Athonx

Comments by Date (18)
Yeah, i had help finding the cave, but i probrably woulda found it anyway. There were dozens probrably hundreds of ppl all over the place. But despite that i still got it relatively quickly, which is weird considering my horrible luck with pets.
i heartz this little guy! anybody got any team suuggestions for him?
decided to name mine "lil' naaru". lolz anybody got any team suggestions for this guy?
i need to reactivate my authenticator to get mine back. anyone got any team suggestions for this guy?
i want to use him and blue carp in a team with blue carps magic attacks. can anyone recommend a good third?
the only unique sname as far as i know. anybody got any team suggestions for this guy?
i love this little dog, and i enjoyed earning him. anybody got any team suggestions for this guy?
alas i did not defeat mine but purchased him in the ah. he is perfect for my tauren shaman. anybody got any team suggestions for this guy?
i actually demoed plantsvszombies when it first came out so once i found out where there lawn of the dead was i made it a point to acquire this guy. anybody got any team suggestions for him?
i wanted this guy so bad that when i saw him in ah i broke down and bought'im. anybody got any team suggestions for this guy?
one of only two racial pets that i use on the intended race. anyone got any team suggestions for this guy?
got on uncommon right away, ill stone him later. i decided to team him with cinder kitten and feline familiar. can anyone tell me if this is a good team?
my druids main pet, of course, even though ive glyphed my druid to turn into the starform. anybody got any team suggestions for this guy?
i love my worgen, i love my gilnean raven. i think this is the only racial pet i use. i love it, i named mine lenore. :P anybody got any team suggestions for my girl?
didnt think i would like a wild pet but this one has grown on me, chose it to go with my hunters combat pet, then obtained a bear mount shortly thereafter to complete the set. lol! anyone got any team suggestions for this guy?
i love this pet. it will be the main pet for my dragon themed warrior, at least until i score a mini deathwing, prolly even after. anybody got any team recomendations for this one?
accidentally discovered these while passing through hillsbrad, it was love at first site. lofty libram has been my main pet ever since. anyone have any team suggestions for this guy?
i love him! He looks amazing!