Assos' Comments
(4) comments by Assos

Comments by Date (4)
While looking for this elusive fellow, I found the rare versions of all EPL pets at least 5 times. I've spent hours in this zone, fought maggots and other pets alike hoping for a rare maggot, and had the worst of luck so far. This pet is actually my last rare wild pet to catch as of 5.4, and I'm so bored of the plaguelands that I'm actually considering using a stone on it... I'm envious of the people who just stumbled upon a rare version on few tries.
Spawn locations given by PetTracker is perfect for this kid. Spawn rate is not dependent on others, and its several hours (although I think it's faster than last year). When you're done checking all your server owls for rares, you can cross-realm with a low population server and check there as well. I'm checking more than 200 owls/day, still yet to see a rare one. Might end up using a stone for this baby, its one of my last 3 uncommon wild pets and I'm sick of the sight of snowy Winterspring...
Although boombot is an amazing damage, I've recently realised that Tympanic Tantrum is even better. I just let it autodamage all 3 pets while doing other stuff, then repair, put out the baby pet I need to level and back to this guy -so Tantrum is off CD by this point, rinse and repeat. Great if you have to do other stuff but you cannot stop yourself from logging into WoW :)
Animated Ulna WQ is up on EU servers today, 25 Feb 2021.