Arkindal's Comments
(3) comments by Arkindal

Comments by Date (3)
This guy is a monster.
I just went to a pvp pet battle with him using Ironbark, Photosynthesis and Sunlight.
In my party I had two other pets. The two other pets died relatively quickly, even my magical crawdad, which usually is really tanky.
I used Sunlight on cooldown, kept Photosynthesis up and used Ironbark as a filler and managed to defeat the enemy two remaining pets.
Absolutely adorable, this little guy is also pretty good in battles, having the same stats and similar moveset as the emerald proto-whelp.
However, this is arguably easier to obtain if you want a specific breed, personally I was looking for a P/P.
To find a proto whelp you have to look around for a while, the dream whelplings are everywhere in the emerald dream after defeating Xavius and you can always ask a friend to let you in if they finished the raid and you didn't.
This guy can indeed be caged, here's a screenshot proving it.