Arji's Comments
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Well, isn't it just sad that the RAF program was on hiatus exactly when the biggest chance was to get friends back in the game: Start of WoW Classic.
That was probably my only fair chance (unless I make some fake friend accounts under my own payment). *shrug*
@Sffcorgi are you already lvl 120?
afaik they only offer fights when you're lvl 120, not?
The ones I came past had the title "Master Tamer .." and there was no fight to be seen.
He's up on EU too. (Seabreak Isle is in Azsuna @20.28, 22.08)
Plenty of them on the island. But the Mobs there are Lvl110 Elite and it's very crowded. So it's difficult to find a spot where you can reach Squirky without being in a Pats way.
I was lucky to be able to battle one just at the south tip of the Island where an Elite Runner makes his rounds. Time it right and hope the Battle Area is not stuck. And take a Pet with Weakenig Blow (like Terrible Tunip). Squirky is Humanoid and the back pets were Aquatic in my case.
Good Luck!
What wonderful thing! Much love to you Rusti for this <3
The Guild "Warcraftpets" on Silvermoon EU has a Swap Shop in the Guildbank. That has been a way of giving surplus pets away for me or picking up some I missed. The more expensive or stoned ones are in a special Tab as prizes for Events or mor expensive Trades with an Officer. That might be a considrable alternative for people on EU servers. Not interely the same, but also a very friendly way.
Can not be bought as long as the Kor'kron are watching the Trolls (Patch 5.3)
Mind the Plaguebats and Plaguehounds if you hunt for this pet in Eastern Plaguelands.
They like little Critters for a snack. Battlepet or not. *snack*
Might be worth to notice: The Time for the Festival is based on Server Time!
Seems Servers don't have Daylight Savings Time. (This weekend Time got changed in Switzerland. The result is : The event was one hour early.)
Sadly there are more different skins of this Beauty than you can hold at one time ...
" Ah, well, off you go little Darling, make sure you hide well and don't let any Birds catch you! "
Being a Mom of two I don't get to play as much anymore as I did a few years back.
So these days I mostly focus on not missing any pets that are only awailable for a short amount of time and sadly mostly play solo questing a little here and there.
^_^ Arji
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