Arizonared's Comments
(10) comments by Arizonared

Comments by Date (10)
It would be helpful if someone could tell how you get to the spawn spots. For a hunter, I'm not a good pathfinder. :)
Cool :) They are keeping the Pet Charms. :)
Best wishes to you and your future wife. :) It's been a pleasure knowing you. I look forward to your return with your wife at your side. :)
It would be nice if they bundle Brightpaw with the new mount.
Curse has a new addon for the pet dailies in Tanaan Jungle, Battle Pet Daily Tamer. Puts a tamer mark on your map. Very helpful for the memory challenged like me. :)
Grats! y'all are the greatest!
I'd be happy if they'd get bigger as you level them. :)
Thank goodness they are improving the lunker drop rate. It gets really frustrating fishing for an hour to get one lunker.
How the heck do you use a battle-stone on him?
I have one spec on each of my toons. I don't like healing, never have. The majority of what they are expecting for the new pets are out of my realm of possibliliy. I have a hard time now getting excited about doing the world quests over and over again. It's enough of a grind to get resources enough for just doing missions. For a non-raiding, non-pvp, non-dungeon running person who enjoys leveling, crafting, and pet collecting, this has gotten to be a nightmare already. I play the game to relax.