Aristacah's Comments
(7) comments by Aristacah

Comments by Date (7)
Just caught one, 3:30 AM server time, Hyjal server. I've been looking for weeks. There were three up. I left the other two for those who might need one.
Hope that helps!
Do not give up on getting this pet! After server reset this morning, flew around to every spawn point and found her in Borean Tundra.
Park an alt there and wait for server reset. Good luck. You can get this pet!
6:40AM, Hyjal server at 62.0, 73.3. The nest looks like a clutch of gray, broken eggs and will light up under your cursor. It was between the large tree and a palm tree. Hope that helps!
Found a rare at 31, 46 near Nessingwary Camp. It was not in a tree, out in the open walking toward a tree, and I had no difficulty targeting or engaging it.
Just got one at 6:40 PM. Common H/S, on the trail. It was not raining. (Hyjal server)
Got mine this morning, a rare! I put an alt on the island and decided to check at 6:00 AM and viola! It was raining and they were a lot of them.
Lower level, in the pen you reach by jumping the fence near the water trough. It's a glass on the ground, right near a pile of poo. Very cute pet! I did not have to do a building swap. It spawned downstairs for me, I looted and then it repsawned in about five minutes and my hubby got it. He also has a level 3 barn which appears to be a requirement for getting this pet.