Archurch2000's Comments
(2) comments by Archurch2000

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Unborn Val'kyr
Well, I finally found mine at the SE spawn point in Howling Fjord. Stoned her to Rare and 25 without hesitation.
Now I can see she is B/B and the only other breed is H/H, which I did not get lucky enough to obtain.
So, spend more time finding another and hope? Or accept the one I have and move on?
Decisions, decisions....
Posted: August 26, 2015 2:39:35 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
1-2 of 2
For the Daily Pet Battle with Jahan, Samm, and Archimedes, I noticed that the opponents first round was always Arcane Storm.
So, for you Nexus Whelpling, use Wild Magic to put another magic attack augment into play. Then just Mana Surge your way through all three, or play clean up with the last survivor if you are unlucky. For me, it killed all three so fast, I thought I had found a bug.