Aranyszin's Comments
(6) comments by Aranyszin

Comments by Date (6)
Considering the fact this offers one, balanced breed choice, I rate it lower than the Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot which offers a choice of three, including one that grants 325 speed at level 25 / rare. Overall, valuable for the completist, but a bench-warmer when up against other more versatile mechanicals. Sorry Clockwork Rocket Bot... you're obsolete in the era of Pet Battles!
As with a number of other purchasable pets, this is one that will present a variety of breeds at random. I would submit that, as he has no real "power" option available, make the most of his speedy breed - the 5,15 breed (which presents as 148 / 9 / 13 at level 1 uncommon) will provide 1400 health, 244 power and a respectable 341 speed at level 25 rare. The extra speed could let you choose crouch instead of adrenaline rush, upping your survivability.
For you serious pet battlers out there, consider this: you can buy this pet and hunt out one of three breeds. Mechanicals are notoriously slow, so I would suggest finding one that starts with stats of H=148 / P=10 / S=12. At 25 rare, this will put him at 1400 / 260 / 325, which might grant you a few first strikes. This will certainly surprise most PvP'ers, who will expect a mechanical to be slow. Sadly, the speed comes at a price: no healing option for this guy. So make that first strike count!
As with the Yellow Moth, this pet, though purchaseable, offers a variety of breeds (4 to be exact). Considering everything, especially that flying pets enjoy a nice speed boost when over 50% health, it seems to me that the best breed for this guy would be the Breed 20 variety. Buy yourself a few of them and keep checking until you find one that features 150 health, 11 power and 10 speed at level 1 uncommon; this will translate to 1465 health, 289 power and 273 speed at 25 rare.
I named mine "Rooster Cogburn".
Always uncommon at purchase; you'll have to upgrade to rare. But don't just take the first one you get! There are three possible breeds: none offer much speed, so I recommend power build (breed 7): At level 1 uncommon it will have H=156, P=11 & S=8. At level 25 rare - H=1627, P=305 & S=227. Set up for Siphon / Death Coil, this makes him really hard to kill. Uh... re-kill. Defeat? You get the idea.