Apatriskaihodros' Comments
(4) comments by Apatriskaihodros

Comments by Date (4)
Great pet. It can defeat almost all opposing pets if one is careful.
This pet is the highest ranked in this website. It deserves it. It destroys almost all outdoor encounters, can take almost all trainers and holds its own in almost all situations. It is strong, with good defense and versatility.
It helps catching pets, it can carry pets. Basically it can do most things at least as good as most other pets. Get it. You will love it.
Most comments are many years old. This can create problems if a pet's stats or abilities change.
This pet is an example of that. Back when haunt cost nothing, it was really good. However, now the Val'Kyr loses 50% of its life with haunt, it is useless. Sure, it does some damage over 4 rounds but there are other pets (like darkmoon tonk, lil'ragnaros, iron starlette) that do more damage without losing 50% of their life.
This pet is great. It can solo most outdoor encounters and help in trainer battles. Must have for all trainers.