Antonio_lnf's Comments
(7) comments by Antonio_lnf

Comments by Date (7)
This is an insane pet. Thanks to racial, Alpha Strike strikes with bonus damage and Dodge dodges attacks during two turns instead of one. Also, Nature's Ward will get rid of the weakness to magic attack, reactivate the racial in case the health gets back to more than 50% and continue healing the pet even if it is in the back row.
Wonderful at PvE and can very easily be a part of a PVP team. It is a crime that this pet is not rated in top 20.
This guy is basically my second Emerald Proto-Whelp. Identical stats and i also use the same moveset: Emerald Bite, Emerald Presence and Emerald Dream.
Black Claw + Flock does 563 damage in two turns; and supposedly 1126 damage in turn 3 alone thanks to Shattered Defenses. In PVE this pet is a powerhouse. Need to kill something asap? Unless it is a dragon pet, use Ikky (or Iron Starlette).
I like this pet. I always use it against Darkmoon Faire trainers' magic-type pets.
This is probably one of my favorite pets. He is so strong against critter pets and those are almost everywhere. He also does well enough against other non-critter pets. And his ability to Devour returns him lots of health.
I have never tried to pvp with pets. But in pve, i can easily let him fight all three enemy pets and still win with his health barely scratched.
So, i can run the quest chain again and again until i get the breed i want, is that it?
Fel Pup is a great humanoid counter: the beast racial gives resistance, Diseased Bite is an undead attack, Crouch reduces the damage by half during three turns and Howl also has sinnergy with the bonus from the beast racial if the pet has less than 50% health and can also be used in conjunction with an external Curse of Doom or another heavy hitting delayed attack.
Also, i don't consider any of its stats lacking, but it's speed is specially good.