Annieb's Comments
(5) comments by Annieb

Comments by Date (5)
I think you mean the FELbat pup.. not firebat =/
Firebat pup is a reward from the Order Hall mission Friends, Not Food
And don't forget if you sit beside her, she crawls into your lap..because KITTEH!!! <3
So glad I got her :)
I haven't seen anyone else mention this.. but if you're having trouble with these and other suicidal pets. Back out of the fight and re-engage... they will OFTEN have other skill sets chosen! (Yes, the exact same spawn.. one time it will have stone rush, the next time elementium bolt).
I have been trying, in a desultory fashion, to find an Unborn Val'kyr to experiment on, but they're so rare and I hate to 'be that guy'...since I already have my rare (stoned, not hunted wild)..
I got an uncommon, but sadly it's a B/B >< I'll go back after things get quieter and try to find a P/P and use a stone on it.
Anyhow, happy hunting! :)
Just finished quest chain (and zomg the pack of baby murlocs of every imaginable description running around is SO CUTE! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hhhhh).
Last step of the chain rewarded Tadpole gift
I got a grey item out of mine. The last step of the chain had a blue ! over my chosen tadpole's name, so maybe it's repeatable or something?
Little disappointed and have to go to work so I can't stick around and see if I can investigate more! Argh!