Animorpher's Comments
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Does anyone know if this drops in Pandaria Remix?
Great place to farm this is on top of the bank in Valdrakken. Just cull the 3 wild ducklings until a plucky duckling spawns in it's place.
I found a few Grizzlefur Cub critters around 48, 55 in Thaldraszus. Once I eliminated them, the Razortooth Bear Cub battle pets spawned in their place.
There are several level 1 Slyvern Pup critters in the Sundapple copse (~62, 23). After about 15 mins of killing them, one of these battle pets spawned.
It appears that once you catch one, the option to get more bait disappears. I'm scared to release the one I have to test if it can be farmed for a rare haha.
I don't know that the dungeon tip works anymore. I've reset 80 times so far, and the only frogs that spawn are outside of the range you're allowed to be in. I've tried tiger dashing out and tagging one but they're just too far and I get vaporized every time.
These pets can be obtained by opening Snowblossom Salvage boxes from Captain Nightrunner in Boralus Harbor (A). They are 175 dubloons and have a chance of being available each week.
I found a rare as a secondary to a young sand sifter on the east coast!
Buying for sure, my RNG is terrible
Found one in Azsuna, Oceanus Cove, at map coords 46, 63
In the Ringing Deeps I'm encountering this pet as a rare backline pet, but when you reduce it's health and try to capture it, hovering over the trap button it says "Your enemy pet is not capturable."