Angikoneko's Comments
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Re: Flayer Youngling
For those of you who want to know how this pet performs in battle:
I have a S/S Flayer Youngling. And it is, by far, THE MOST USEFUL humanoid I have in my arsenal. With a 325 speed, this little guy almost always goes first on dragons. The Kick + Blitz combo is very powerful. Add in Deflection, and this guy becomes very good at avoiding dmg. I don't think I could've battles many of the dragon trainers as easily without him.
Posted: August 17, 2014 5:46:17 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +7
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Grasslands Cottontail is the ONLY rabbit with an S/S 260/325. Every other type of rabbit is either S/S 226/357 or a balance of some sort, making this rabbit the strongest of the speed breeds.
Note: There are no rabbits with a P/S breed, so if you want a fast bunny that hits a little harder, this guy is the only way to go.