Angelmichu's Comments
(4) comments by Angelmichu

Comments by Date (4)
OMG! I got mine today!! YAY!! Got really lucky, I didnt farm him for very long! Was just sitting there waiting for dungeon queues when I saw the pet marker. So scared cuz there were a ton of high levels roaming around and I knew, they had to be looking for it!
I need to leave a comment for this pet because he's awesome. If you are lucky enough to have one drop, level him, you wont regret it. He will level quickly too because once he gets to lvl 20 he can easily solo 3 wild pets.
I dont have a ton of pets, and this guy has helped me with some really tough battles. His healing ability and shield ability should be used ALWAYS, and his batter ability hits like a truck, even if its not strong dmg. He's awesome! 5 Stars!
Got mine on monday, at 11:30pm on Alleria, on the broken path north of wyrmrest temple. I had spent all day flying around all of northrend and was heading back to dalaran, giving up for the night, when I saw a pet marker in my minimap. I hovered over it and saw that it was the Valkyr and almost had a heart attack. I had seen a bunch of ppl flying around so I went down to quickly fight it and forgot that I didnt have any good pets, but luckily I got her! (its a girl) Unfortunately, she's B/B...
I almost think that this pet had its respawn rate improved because I went looking for it and found 4 of them around Khadgar's Tower, 2 Rare and 2 Poor quality. I caught it in Turalyon around 8:30pm.
Right after I typed this, I went to khadgar's tower and there was one floating around to the left of the tower's entrance and one towards the right. So 6. 2 of them definitely up at the same time.
FYI: it was raining.