Anazasi's Comments
(2) comments by Anazasi

Comments by Date (2)
1-2 of 2
Re: Stout Alemental
Is anyone having problems adding it to the pets. I got one and every time I try to add it to my pets I get a "Can not add to this Account". I mean its my entire account. Any idea how to fix it? Or do I need to open a ticket ingame?
Edit: Nevermind, figured it out. There is a limit of 1000 pets total. I did not know that and was at 1002 including mulitples. I took care of it and its all good now. :DÂ
Posted: September 23, 2015 6:33:06 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: 0
1-2 of 2
With the continuation of Uuna, I sense Onion Ninjas closing in. Looks like Pamela Redpath gained a 'sister'.