Anaxhema's Comments
(14) comments by Anaxhema

Comments by Date (14)
Has at least 3 color bases (green/gold, orange/blue, orange/white), and 2 shell textures (smooth ridges or spiky) Woe to those who like to collect all the varieties - lol.
They can be found as 2nds and 3rds in your Garrison during the Hallow's End event as well. (Short window of opportunity, for sure, but while farming breeds of the new holiday pets I finally got my P/P rare.)
<3 April Fools!
Can anyone confirm if this pet also comes in a pinkish color? I was out doing wild battles in Talador when one that appeared to be pinkish instead of greenish was a 2nd to a Red-Tailed Chipmunk. (I had already killed the primary & had 3 in my pet journal so I could not capture it to see if it was a unique color.)
To battle the one in the rock, you need to keybind "interact with target". I use Shift+ (can't really do that by accident). Then you "/tar frostshell & your keybind and the battle initiates. The one I happened to get was an H/H rare with 2 uncommon wasps (or were they rats?) as 2nd & 3rd. (I learned this trick from comments under the Widow Spiderling in Duskwood, one that likes to hide itself in tree trunks.)
I was not looking forward to going back to Stranglethorn to farm one of these, then was pleasantly surprised to see them as 2nd and 3rd to a Mud Jumper in Spires of Arak near the rare "Rotcap". I picked up the Uncommon H/P in the pretty blue color to replace my level 7 uncommon in that color, & wouldn't you know the RNG dropped me a Flawless Aquatic Battle-Stone! :-) (I am doomed to find only B/B grays for the rest of the day, right?)
A long time ago I picked up this pet while getting Loremaster of Kalimdor when it was a guaranteed quest reward from a quest chain. I have another reason to love him now. He virtually solo'd Stitches, Jr. for the Garrison pet daily. Moonfire > Arcane Blast > AB > Life Exchange > AB X5 > LE > AB X5. He died from infected claw after the res but the backup pets were there to take the credit/win. :-)
On a low level alt it took 6 tries to get an S/S from the vendor - 3 B/B, 2 H/B, 1 S/S
I was surprised the site only showed 16.4 % have this...then realised that is probably the percent of people actively updating their collections on this site...anyone with a sub will have it unless they really hate dogs (*gasp*) and went through to delete it on every alt - lol. (I just banked them on every toon...good way to tell if you have checked your mail on unused characters recently...)
The higher level abilites look like they will be good, but wow this pet can not level itself from 1 without help from others - lol.
After many tries on several toons, stopping to battle every time I passed, the rat on Timeless Isle became a Rare S/S...only shame was that it wasn't gray at the other 2 are white & brown, other breeds.
I got this today on a 90...had low levels leveling cooking and trying for the bag, but no luck on those toons. This toon had done the quest chain the other day, but today just went to the cities with food others made to turn them in. I don't know if it makes a difference that I bought/activated WoD last night. Now I can run off to Draenor without feeling I didn't farm hard enough for the holiday pet - lol.
Worst pet battle victory ever with one of these...the pretty green one, Rare Level 25 H/S...kept healing itself out of the capture crate and then my weakest possible damage ability crit it to death. :-(
I found the green with yellow antenna in the stock picture before seeing the blue. (Dang you too-many-color-variations to collect!