Amoratos' Comments
(7) comments by Amoratos

Comments by Date (7)
Encountered mine behind the walls of Zul'Gurub (not inside the instance).
Many can be found atop the elevated section just to the southeast of the Dark Portal.
Encountered one in the middle of Bogpaddle and Sorrowmurk justslightly off the path. Saw none others while flying about the zone.
Encountered one in the first little stream coming from Deadwind Pass at 11:50 server time. After flying around more, I saw other moccasins scattered throughout similar areas in the Swamp of Sorrows.
Found at 11:37 PM server time as a secondary combatant for the Dusk Spiderling, first I encountered.
Also saw a normal spawn on my minimap of the Widow, though it seemed to be stuck in a tree.
Found several spawns of them in the Vul'gol Ogre Mound of Duskwood.
Had trouble finding them elswhere while flying about so I tried to trigger it as a secondary combatant, though I saw none in seven battles or so.
I must say that I love this pet. Despite being an uncommon, it has performed very well in pet battles.
Ice Tomb is a hard-hitting ability that stuns. Has a low cooldown weather ability in order to lock out less beneficial play-field conditions and allow for two hits from Ice Lance. She's a humanoid with a wide array of elemental attacks. She's a good replacement for an elemental on your team since the 4% health recovery is generally better than weather immunity. Excellent against mechs.