Amithyst's Comments
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Re: Minfernal
Since I see a lot of 'I GOT MINE' and not a lot of tips on how to catch one here I figured I'd post this.
Scroll down to the comment post by MyxomatosisFM (3rd green comment) here->
This post details a proven method that works in getting your minfernal using an 'interact with target' macro while on a flightpath. This insures you can get your own servers spawn without mucking about with CRZ bull.
Posted: April 09, 2013 11:41:53 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
I've noticed that it doesn't ignore weather effects like it should as an elemental. At least with the -Scorched Earth- effect.
Update.. Yes mine WAS recieving damage from weather effects :T thank you, I can read the pet battle combat log just fine.
I contacted a GM and they told me it was indeed a bug that I had stumbled acrossed, it has now been fixed and my hatchling ignores weather as it should.
Posted: December 25, 2012 3:50:28 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: +1
1-3 of 3
Is there a reason that sometimes it won't come back to life when Haunt ends or the enemy pet dies? Seems a bit random to me.