Ambervon's Comments
(6) comments by Ambervon

Comments by Date (6)
Mine dropped today so it's still dropping. I wasn't counting kills but I was farming for maybe 5 minutes.
Blasted Lands at the mine in the very north.
Funny (not really) because this is the only pet I've not gotten yet out of the elemental spirits. I've gotten several Earth, Fire and Water spirits. I have to put them in the auction house since I've no more room. I've done this daily every day for weeks and weeks. Absolutely no Air spirit yet. blergh!
It seems to me the crowds have died down a little bit from last week. I signed on yesterday on Bladefist at about 2pm and there were 6 or 7 of these guys. Only one other player was there besides me. I grabbed an uncommon. I'm good with that!
FINALLY! I've been logging in several times a day with an alt withoug ever even seeing a single one of these things. What I did see was a lot of other people doing the same thing.
Until 1:30am server time last night when I happened to log in before heading to bed. There was no one there and there was one.single.Minfernal.
Poor quality but I'll take it.
Spent a lot of time the past few days with an alt just above Moonwater Retreat. I can't even count all the coral adders I battled with. They were ALL poor quality except my last one which is a green uncommon.
Good enough!!
I found mine at 45, 61