Amberleaf's Comments
(3) comments by Amberleaf

Comments by Date (3)
1-3 of 3
Re: Darkmoon Rabbit
You do not need a lot of people to kill the boss. We did it in a group of 6 people (about 3 am server time >.<, late night? early morning?). I was on my hunter, pet tanked. With my "luck" I thought I would just buy it from AH, but it dropped for me. Good luck to everybody.
Posted: November 10, 2014 12:32:29 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
Re: Syd the Squid
Worked for me:
Elfing rabbit, rare speed (dodge and barrow on pools)
Mechanical pandaren Dragon.
Son of Animus is great against cow.
Posted: November 07, 2014 5:35:12 PM
Edits: 1
Rating: 0
1-3 of 3
Got it from 38th piligrim's bag. I did not do quests where you need to cook turkey. By Rarety it is 1% drop chance, not sure how accurate it is.