Altorax's Comments
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I'm finding Ikky to be an incredibly strong PvP pet due to its pretty fantastic moveset, breed and family. The Flying racial allows it to make the most of its 322 Power Quills and even when it's gone, 273 Speed still beats a number of the slower pets in the meta. Black Claw provides a pretty fantastic damage boost in combination with Quills and the 3rd slot really comes down to your team composition. You can run a pretty effective Clonedance with Cyclone or go Flock for Lightning/Wild Magic.
S/S Mongoose Pup (Gnaw, Survival, Dive) is my go-to counter for Death Adder Hatchlings in PvP. With its 357 speed, it'll outpace the Adder which means Blinding Poison will only affect it for one round instead of the usual two. Combo that into Dive, a 2-turn move, and watch the Adder pop. The Pup can also serve as a soft counter to Val'kyrs due to being an aquatic. And then you have Survival, which can provide two extra turns if timed well. All-in-all, a great anti-meta pet.
One of my favorite PvP battle pets. The H/H crab has fantastic stat allocation (none wasted into speed whatsoever) which makes it one of the best tanking pets out there. Shell Shield is great for mitigating DoTs and multi-hit attacks, Snap takes out would-be critter counters and Surge/Whirlpool allows it to either fight flyers (and other abilities that rely on having higher speed) or round out a Cleansing Rain team. And to top all that off, it gets an undead racial as well.
Not sure why Insanejames was downvoted. The MPD is indeed a fantastic pet for PvP pet battles due to Decoy, its 289 speed and Mech racial. Decoy is a fantastic ability when timed well and since the MPD will outspeed a lot of hard-hitting pets, it's not overly difficult to use. Thunderbolt allows it to fit in well with AoE teams, not that it has problems rounding out a team anyway with its Decoy.
I'm running the SF on a number of my PvP teams and it's proven to be a valuable asset. Sear Magic completely shuts down Val'kyrs while also allowing you to soft counter DA Hatchling blind and poison. Wild Magic and Flame Breath enables it to work well on a DoT team while Shadow Slash allows you to go toe-to-toe with Idols. Solid pet.
Fantastic pet for PvP. With a S/S breed, you'll outspeed the majority of standard 325 speed S/S pets which allows you to force favorable matchups with Nether Gate. Immolation combined with the Humanoid racial lets you both DoT and heal up on the backline. Needless to say, this pet is fantastic when combined with a Minefield user or DoT team.
One of the best PvP pets in WoD so far in my opinion. Flying racial + avoidance + heal + solid H/P breed = one ridiculously hard to kill bird. The Teroclaw brings a surprising amount of control and power to any team and seems to work especially well with Wild Magic and Sunlight.