Aldorian's Comments
(2) comments by Aldorian

Comments by Date (2)
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The secret of getting this pet for me was the factor server restart.
I had been doing the same as most people, multi chars in different quest phases camping the spawn areas until this morning.
I logged in asp after the restart and there were 7 or 8 spawned, managed to capture an uncommon but after waiting so long i'm happy with that at the mo
Just how relevent this is i'm not sure i got the message unable to server transfer world is offline just before entering combat.
Posted: October 20, 2012 2:39:41 AM
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Rating: 0
1-2 of 2
I got the rare version farming pet spawns on Jaguero Isle while waiting for the rain.
Earlier I was clearing Stranglethorn for the rare versions of various pets, Lizard Hatchling, Crimson Moth etc and found them but it took quite a while, in all about 2-3 hours.
Farming Jaguero Isle all the rare pets turned up that i was finding hard to get.
Wharf Rat, Lizard hatchling, Crimson Moth, Forest Spiderling, Strand Crab, Tree python all rare quality, so try your luck there. =)