Aladrias' Comments
(8) comments by Aladrias

Comments by Date (8)
For anyone wanting to know how to click Dark Soil to get Lovely Apple and raise reputation with Sho to get the Red Cricket, you need to complete up to and including Learn and Grow V: Halfhill Market before you can click the Dark Soils.
I got my Crimson Whelpling today after 2,293 kills - it was easy enough that I think I'll be farming here for awhile.
I was farming at 67,47 (halfway up the road from Greenwarden's Grove to Twilight Highlands). With a good AoE, you can kill up to 250 Ebon Slavehunter and Dragonmaw Whelpstealer in 10 minutes. There are three mobs that spawn every 10 seconds at this point, close together, making for a fast and easy loot.
218 bags in Swamp of Sorrows. Ouch!
Map info on this is incorrect. I've found plenty of these in Tanaan Jungle as first pet.
First comment since March. Dropped by in the crazy hope there was some secret way to geta Snowy Owl before December 1st, but I guess not. Only pet left for my Kalimdor Safari.
Just got my Baby Ape (Rain) at Stranglethorn and decided it's time for Tanaris - camping out on an alt until something happens while I go blog, watch SVU or Dexter and wait. Pity I still have to wait till December 1st to get the Snowy Owl.
I just got my first 3 pets to level 25 and decided to get this pet as it was in the top 20. I was prepared to be camping out for awhile.
After about 10 commons/poors and 2 uncommons, I figured the chances must be pretty low.
Then I got one - captured it and went to train it. Next one I fought was also a rare! Then the third one, too. I captured the first two and accidentally killed the third. No idea if this was a glitch or not!
Just got this today - working on the Druid, Shammy, DK & Druid pets next. It's hard work but is definitely a great look for the pain. Most of the other class pets aren't as unique and likely to stand out, IMO.