Aiikena's Comments
(9) comments by Aiikena

Comments by Date (9)
I actually got this pet in my 2nd bag i ever won and went to check it only has 2% chanse dropping. I feel extreamly lucky :D
I decided to park myself on a little hill for 3 days untill i actually saw the first storm. There was one other person there and my 4th one was rare and there was a few of them still left for other people so i dont feel bad :)
I moved to US a few years ago so EU servers had new years and i decided to go after some rare pets around the world and got this little fella along with a Flawless Dragonkin Battle-Stone hehehe i found it funny cuz i got a poor quality. :)
Got him on my first kill :D Told my hubby i got him and he thought the pup would be cute and then he saw him. lol
Just got a rare one as an add to a Crimson Geode on the Chrimson Expance :)
Was on the raindeer quest and i thought id drop by and see if any of them spawned and i saw 2 rats and in the north most corner i found my Lofty Libram :D only common but thats what battle-stones are for!
first one i saw i went to battle, now i dont know if im lucky or unlucky cuz i got a rare emerald turtle and a rare masked tanuki at once :( im still crying over killing it!
Saw this little guz at around 4am andstarted making a group and at 6:40am we killed finalz! Didnt win the roll but the person who does sold it to me for only 4.8k! Im poor but i got this bunny and im extremely happy!!