Aggeon's Comments
(6) comments by Aggeon

Comments by Date (6)
He starts as uncommon, but with a quality stone becomes an improved version of the Wild Golden and Jade Hatchlings. At uncommon, his stats will almost be equal to a rare of them. He has the same abilities, but can have higher attack power and a cool lightning visual effect. Like the Hatchlings, the Call Lightning/Cyclone combo is very powerfull for fighting a full team.
This is a pet I frequently suggest to new tamers. As an undead, it takes more damage from critters, so having a beast type attack available helps even the odds. It also has one of the strongest AOE attacks of all the pets, and a decent self heal.
Once you're exalted with the Order of the Cloud Serpent, these guys will spawn all over the Arboratem. This model has the same abilities as the Jade Hatchling; the Lightning Storm effect combined with Cyclone is amazing. After 5.2 pet mobs no longer despawn when running from fights, and all the hatchlings are unable to be attacked, so if you want to reset for a better quality you need to at least kill the first pet in the group.
He's a favorite of mine for pet battles, and worth a quality stone to boost his stats. The Rapid Fire ability is amazing during a lightning storm. Even though most trainers switch pets while one is stunned, Shot Through The Heart is great when timed during a fly/dive/burrow ability so there is no wasted turn. I always use this guy at the start of the fire pandaren elemental battle, even when uncommon he can kill the dragon in 3 turns.
His stats are really weak for such a hard to earn pet. With the same abilities as most other cricket models, it'd be best to stick with the red cricket, one of the strongest out there with 15 attack at level 1.
Really cute, and buying it went towards a good cause, but as a standalone fighter it's not too great. No heals, and pretty average attacks, he's best used in combination with pets that have abilites dealing more damage to burning targets.