Abashera's Comments
(5) comments by Abashera

Comments by Date (5)
Found one in Goregrond as a secondary to a Junglebeak.
Still not sure what triggers their spawn. I found several in one day, and killed them all looking for the right breed. I've returned to those locations numerous times throughout the day, and have yet to see more.
Contrary to the a post on wowhead, they do not share a spawn with fire-proof roaches. I say this because the lacations I found Iceclaws have zero Roaches.
My guess is that the're on a long re-spawn timer. If not, then it's some other condition or mechanic under which they spawn.
Now that so many are showing up on AH, the price is finally dropping. Got one for about 1700g today.
This comment doesn't fit here. But you will find my observations very helpful. :)
If I knew there was a pet reward for doing that stupid event, I would have entered it. : (