Aalona's Comments
(9) comments by Aalona

Comments by Date (9)
Yes it is a bug but they are indeed pets that can battle.
Finduin and Gilvannas lvl 20 ability is overpowered and will be abused esp in pet battle dungeon challenges. Finduins has [Mass Ressurection] and gilvannas has [Raise Dead] which brings all your friendly pets back to life at 5% health. Now idk if its all pets in journal or just pets in team.
I jsut hope that BRD is not the kest i loved doign all of the challenges and getting more pets.
I at least provided the screen shot for the mailimental =p
Thought I am a little disappointed that gnomeragan isnt gonan be a pet battle dungeon, unless blizz changes it and that dailty is just a placeholder.
I was one of the people that sent a email about the change to the pet battle dungeon but, I didn't know or not if I could of sent you screen caps otherwise I would have. Since I have the ptr and all that goodness and the challenge isnt that hard at all. I also would like to note that if you buy the Mr. Smites Supplies it has a chance of haveing one of the three pets in it.
idk why you have bad luck then cause I got the venomfang and 2 everliving spores so far.
Its not from blizzcon as the goodie bag has one of 2 different pets to chose from.
Both Classic and Modern Wow get it, just not in game yet.