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Rabid Strike

Rabid Strike

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 256 Undead damage and turns the target rabid for 3 rounds.


While rabid, the target deals 25% additional damage and receives 50% additional damage.

Vs. Humanoid

Vs. Aquatic


1-23 of 23
Used By:
Acid-Drenched Rat

Pet Battle: [25] Undermine

Animite Broodling

Pet Battle: [25] Korthia

Ashen Chomper [Jar of Ashes]

Zone: Torghast

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Bilefang Skitterer [Wad of Spider Web]

Vendor: Nigel Rifthold

Zone: Drustvar

Cost: 100Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Olly (H)

Zone: Dazar'alor

Cost: 100Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Requires: A Shady Message

Corpselouse Larva [Corpselouse Larva]

Drop: Smorgas the Feaster [61]

Zone: Maldraxxus

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Devouring Animite [Devouring Animite]

Shadowlands Adventures: Charthox the Indomitable [60]

Zone: Ardenweald, Bastion, Maldraxxus, Revendreth

Echo of the Cave [Echo of the Cave]

Drop: World Drop

Zone: The Waking Shores, Ohn'ahran Plains, The Azure Span, Thaldraszus

Dragonflight Primal Storm: Earth

Approximate Drop Rate: Â Unknown

Foulfeather [Plagued Egg]

Drop: Plaguefeather [50+]

Zone: Arathi Highlands Warfront

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Ghastly Rat

Pet Battle: [23-25] Frostwall; [23-25] Lunarfall

World Event: Hallow's End

Gizmo the Pure [Gizmo the Pure]

World Event: WoW's 20th Anniversary

Quest: The Case of the Fur-Getting Wikket [10]

Zone: Caverns of Time

Restored Revenant [Pile of Bones]

Profession: Battle for Azeroth Archaeology - Drust

Artifact: [Pile of Bones]

Scabby [Scabby]

Drop: Yogursa [50+]

Zone: Arathi Highlands Warfront

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Scurrying Mawrat

Pet Battle: [25] The Maw

Smoochums [Smoochums' Bloody Heart]

Vendor: Nigel Rifthold

Zone: Drustvar

Cost: 200Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Stitched Pup [Gluth's Bone]

Drop: Gluth [??+]

Zone: Naxxramas

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 6

Venomwing [Venomwing]

Vendor: World Vendors

Cost: 50Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Wild Corpsefly

Pet Battle: [25] Korthia

Winged Arachnoid

Pet Battle: [25] Hallowfall; [25] Azj-Kahet

Ziggy [Ziggy]

Vendor: Sean Wilkers

Zone: Eastern Plaguelands

Cost: 1Cleansed Remains (unlimited supply)

1-23 of 23
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