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Used By:

Quest: Report to the King [10] (Alliance), Warning the Warchief [10] (Horde)

Vendor: Gill the Drill
Zone: Thaldraszus
Drop: Box of Collapsed Reality
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Prerequisite Quest: Rescue OOX-09/HL! [10]
Zone: The Hinterlands
Prerequisite Quest: Rescue OOX-22/FE! [15]
Zone: Feralas
Prerequisite Quest: Rescue OOX-17/TN! [15]
Zone: Tanaris
Quest: An OOX of Your Own
Zone: Booty Bay

Profession: Cataclysm Engineering [25]
Taught By: Goblin Engineering Trainers

Promotion: Xbox + Mountain Dew, Rockstar Energy Drink, and Doritos
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