Metal Fist
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Used By:

Profession: Draenor Archaeology - Arakkoa
Artifact: [Ancient Nest Guardian]

Profession: Cataclysm Engineering [25]
Taught By: Gnomish Engineering Trainers

Vendor: Vinidcator Nuurem
Zone: Stormshield
Faction: Council of Exarchs - Revered
Cost: 1000 2000
(unlimited supply)

Profession: Engineering [75]
Taught By: [Schematic: Mechanical Squirrel]

Profession: Cataclysm Engineering [25]
Taught By: Goblin Engineering Trainers

Drop: Dookthar the Destroyer [50+]
Zone: Vol'dun
Approximate Drop Rate: 1 of 3 parts
Created From: [Craft Mechanical Gorilla]
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