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Bombing Run

Bombing Run
3 Round Cooldown

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 197 Mechanical damage and calls in a bombing run.


After 3 rounds the bombs will arrive, dealing 394 Mechanical damage to the current enemy pet.

Vs. Beast

Vs. Elemental


1-8 of 8
Used By:
Blackfuse Bombling [Blackfuse Bombling]

Drop: Siegecrafter Blackfuse [??+]

Zone: Siege of Orgrimmar

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 125

Bombshell Crab

Pet Battle: [25] Undermine

Craboom [Craboom]

Drop: Swampface [??+]

Zone: Operation: Floodgate

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Darkmoon Zeppelin [Darkmoon Zeppelin]

World Event: Darkmoon Faire (first week of each month)

Vendor: Lhara

Zone: Darkmoon Island

Cost: 90Darkmoon Prize Ticket (unlimited supply)


Drop: Darkmoon Game Prize

Zone: Darkmoon Island

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 1,670

Micronax [Micronax Controller]

Achievement: Glory of the Tomb Raider

Category: Dungeons & Raids

Race MiniZep [Race MiniZep Controller]

Achievement: Big Rocketeer: Gold

Category: Darkmoon Faire

Venture Bombshell

Pet Battle: [25] Undermine

1-8 of 8
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