Profession: Dragonflight Blacksmithing [50]
Taught By: [Plans: Alvin the Anvil]
Profession: Draenor Archaeology - Arakkoa
Artifact: [Ancient Nest Guardian]
Vendor: World Vendors
Cost: 50 (unlimited supply)
World Event: Feast of Winter Veil
Quest: You're a Mean One...(Alliance)/(Horde)
Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 65 from [Stolen Present]
World Event: Feast of Winter Veil
Quest: You're a Mean One...(Alliance)/(Horde) [30]
Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 65 dropped from [Stolen Present]
Vendor: Vinidcator Nuurem
Zone: Stormshield
Faction: Council of Exarchs - Revered
Cost: 1000 2000
(unlimited supply)
Prerequisite Quest: Rescue OOX-09/HL! [10]
Zone: The Hinterlands
Prerequisite Quest: Rescue OOX-22/FE! [15]
Zone: Feralas
Prerequisite Quest: Rescue OOX-17/TN! [15]
Zone: Tanaris
Quest: An OOX of Your Own
Zone: Booty Bay
Achievement: Pet Battle Challenge: Gnomeregan
Category: Pet Battles