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Ooze Touch

Ooze Touch

100% Hit Chance 


Oozes onto the enemy, dealing 394 Magic damage.

Vs. Flying

Vs. Mechanical


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1-25 of 65
Used By:
Alchemical Runoff

Pet Battle: [25] Undermine

Amethyst Softshell [Amethyst Softshell]

Drop: Amethyst Spireshell [50]

Zone: Nazjatar

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Anomalus [Swirling Black Bottle]

Drop: Alleria or Thrall's Corrupted Chest

Zone: Horrific Vision of Stormwind or Orgrimmar

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Archetype of Vigilance [Archetype of Vigilance]

Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis

Taught By: [Archetype of Vigilance]

Azerite Puddle [Drop of Azerite]

Vendor: Magni Bronzebeard

Zone: Silithus

Faction: Champions of Azeroth - Revered

Cost: 200Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Blood Boil [Remains of a Blood Beast]

Drop: Deathbringer's Cache

Zone: Icecrown Citadel

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Bloodfeaster Larva [Bloodfeaster Larva]

Vendor: Shoak , Blind Wunja

Zone: Nazmir

Cost: 200Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Dodger (A)

Zone: Boralus

Cost: 200Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Requires: A Shady Message


Pet Battle: [25] Zaralek Cavern

Corrupted Blood [Elementium Back Plate]

Drop: Spine of Deathwing [??+]

Zone: Dragon Soul

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Diamondshell [Diamondshell]

Vendor: Saccratros

Zone: Zaralek Cavern

Cost: 50Coveted Bauble (unlimited supply)

Disgusting Oozeling [Disgusting Oozeling]

Drop: World Drop

Creature: Oozes, Slimes and Worms

Approximate Drop Rate: [Oozing Bag] 1 in 25

Approximate Drop Rate: [Disgusting Oozeling] in bag 1 in 85

Overall Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 2,125

Drowsey [Drowsey]

Vendor: Elianna

Zone: Emerald Dream

Faction: Dream Wardens (Renown Five)

Cost: 1Dream Infusion (unlimited supply)


Pet Battle: [25] The Waking Shores

Fetid Waveling [Fetid Waveling]

Drop: Pollous the Fetid [10-45]

Zone: Val'sharah

Drop Rate: 1 in 1

Filthy Slime [Filthy Bucket]

Drop: Gol'than the Malodorous [??+]

Zone: Tol Dagor (Mythic)

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Gloop [Bottle of Gloop]

Profession: Fishing [1]

Zone: (Corrupted) Uldum, (Corrupted) Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Approximate Catch Rate: Unknown

Jade Oozeling

Pet Battle: [11-12] The Hinterlands

Living Amber [Amber Goo Puddle]

Drop: Amber-Shaper Un'sok [??+]

Zone: Heart of Fear

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Living Fluid [Quivering Blob]

Drop: Primordius [??+]

Zone: Throne of Thunder (LFR)

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Magma Slug

Pet Battle: [25] The Waking Shores

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