Ooze Touch
Used By:

Drop: Alleria or Thrall's Corrupted Chest
Zone: Horrific Vision of Stormwind or Orgrimmar
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis
Taught By: [Archetype of Vigilance]

Drop: World Drop
Creature: Oozes, Slimes and Worms
Approximate Drop Rate: [Oozing Bag] 1 in 25
Approximate Drop Rate: [Disgusting Oozeling] in bag 1 in 85
Overall Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 2,125

Quest: Pet Battle Challenge: Wailing Caverns [45]
Zone: Northern Barrens
Drop: Damp Pet Supplies
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Profession: Fishing [1]
Zone: (Corrupted) Uldum, (Corrupted) Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Approximate Catch Rate: Unknown