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Vicious Slice

Vicious Slice

100% Hit Chance 


Slices the enemy, dealing 394 Humanoid damage.

Vs. Dragonkin

Vs. Beast


1-11 of 11
Used By:
Gill'el [Gill'el]

Blizzard Store 

Grommloc [Grommloc]

Promotion: BlizzCon 2014

Hogs [Hogs' Studded Collar]

Achievement: That's Whack!

Category: Darkmoon Faire

Lettuce [Lettuce]

Achievement: Undermine Safari

Category: Collect

Lost Featherling [Lost Featherling]

Drop: Assuming Scholar [60+], Ardent Warrior [60+]

Zone: Bastion

Covenant: Kyrian

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Ranishu Runt [Ranishu Runt]

Vendor: Jenoh

Zone: Vol'dun

Cost: 250Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Dodger (A)

Zone: Boralus

Cost: 250Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Requires: A Shady Message

Remembered Riverpaw [Remembered Riverpaw]

Vendor: Remembrancer Amuul

Zone: Dalaran

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Echo of the Silver Hand

Zone: Dragonblight

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Forgotten Hero

Zone: Dustwallow Marsh

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Memory of a Duke

Zone: Searing Gorge

Cost: 10000Residual Memories (unlimited supply)

Sky Fry [Sky Fry]

Vendor: Maaria

Zone: Lunarfall

Faction: Sha'tari Defense - Revered

Cost: 1000gold 2000Apexis Crystal (unlimited supply)

Spectral Raven

Pet Battle: [25] Nazmir

Will of Remornia [Pommel Jewel of Remornia]

Drop: Sire Denathrius [??+]

Zone: Castle Nathria

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Winter Rageling [Ominous Pile of Snow]

Drop: Cache of Winter

Zone: Ulduar

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

1-11 of 11
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