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Used By:

Profession: Legion Enchanting [1]
Taught By: [Formula: Enchanted Torch]

Vendor: Mimi Wizzlebub
Zone: Warspear
Faction: Steamwheedle Preservation Society - Revered
Cost: 1000 2000
(unlimited supply)
Vendor: Gazrix Gearlock
Zone: Stormshield
Faction: Steamwheedle Preservation Society - Revered
Cost: 1000 2000
(unlimited supply)

Zone: Torghast (Adamant Vaults)
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

World Event: Feast of Winter Veil
Quest: You're a Mean One...(Alliance)/(Horde) [30]
Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 65 from [Stolen Present]

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