Hawk Eye

Quest: Crysa's Flyers [1]
Zone: Northern Barrens
Drop: Torn Sack of Pet Supplies
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Pet Battle: [1-2] Undercity; [1-2] Tirisfal Glades; [3-6] Silverpine Forest; [12-13] Eastern Plaguelands; [22-23] Mount Hyjal

Quest: Egg Wave [30]
Zone: Mount Hyjal
Achievement: The 'Unbeatable?' Pterodactyl: BEATEN.
Category: Cataclysm

World Event: Darkmoon Faire (first week of each month)
Vendor: Lhara
Zone: Darkmoon Island
Cost: 90 (unlimited supply)
Drop: Darkmoon Game Prize
Zone: Darkmoon Island
Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 2,000

Drop: Burninator Mark V [50+]
Zone: Darkshore Warfront
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown
Drop: Athil Dewfire [50+]
Zone: Darkshore Warfront
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Quest: She's in a Happier Place [50] (Alliance), He's Dead, Jastor [50] (Horde)
Zone: Tiragarde Sound, Zuldazar

Quest: Egg Wave [30]
Zone: Mount Hyjal
Achievement: The 'Unbeatable?' Pterodactyl: BEATEN.
Category: Cataclysm

Drop: World Drop
Zone: Northern Stranglethorn [10-30], The Cape of Stranglethorn [10-30]
Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 8,000