Cocoon Strike

Sanctum Feature: The Ember Court (tier 3)
Zone: Revendreth
Covenant: Venthyr
Drop: Tribute Chest
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown
Sanctum Feature: Queen's Conservatory (tier 2)
Zone: Ardenweald
Covenant: Night Fae
Drop: Queen's Conservatory Cache (Untamed Spirit)
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown
Sanctum Feature: Path of Ascension (tier 3)
Zone: Bastion
Covenant: Kyrian
Sanctum Feature: Abomination Factory
Zone: Maldraxxus
Covenant: Necrolord (tier 1)
Vendor: Atticus
Faction: Stitchmasters - Honored

Pet Battle: [1] Dornogal; [25] Isle of Dorn; [25] The Ringing Deeps; [25] Hallowfall

Pet Battle: [1-2] Teldrassil; [1-3] Darnassus; [4-6] Ashenvale; [7-9] Desolace; [15-16] Moonglade; [22-23] Mount Hyjal

Vendor: Cortinarius
Zone: Ardenweald
Faction: Marasmius - Friendly
Covenant: Night Fae
Sanctum Feature: Transport Network (tier 1)