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100% Hit Chance 


Blasts the enemy with fire, dealing 413 Elemental damage.

Vs. Mechanical

Vs. Critter


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1-25 of 53
Used By:
Amethyst Shale Hatchling

Pet Battle: [7-9] Desolace; [22-23] Deepholm

Ashenwing [Ashenwing]

Drop: Bonesifter Marwak [??+]

Zone: The Forbidden Reach

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Ashstone Core [Core of Hardened Ash]

Drop: Golemagg the Incinerator [??+]

Zone: Molten Core

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 14

Blackfuse Bombling [Blackfuse Bombling]

Drop: Siegecrafter Blackfuse [??+]

Zone: Siege of Orgrimmar

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 125

Blazing Cindercrawler [Blazing Cindercrawler]

World Event: Midsummer Fire Festival

Vendor: Midsummer Merchant (Horde) / Midsummer Supplier (Alliance)

Cost: 350Burning Blossom (unlimited supply)

Bombshell Crab

Pet Battle: [25] Undermine

Core Hound Pup [Core Hound Pup]

Promotion: Authenticator Account Link

Corefire Imp [Blazing Rune]

Drop: Magmadar [??+]

Zone: Molten Core

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 13

Craboom [Craboom]

Drop: Swampface [??+]

Zone: Operation: Floodgate

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Crimson Shale Hatchling

Pet Battle: [22-23] Deepholm

Crispin [Crispin]

Drop: Tenpak Flametotem [10-45]

Zone: Highmountain

Drop Rate: 1 in 1

Dark Phoenix Hatchling [Dark Phoenix Hatchling]

Guild Achievement: United Nations

Category: Reputation


Vendor: Guild Vendor - Guild

Cost: 300gold (unlimited supply)

Emerald Shale Hatchling

Pet Battle: [22-23] Deepholm

Enchanted Cauldron [Enchanted Cauldron]

Profession: Legion Enchanting [1]

Taught By: [Formula: Enchanted Cauldron]

Enchanted Lantern [Enchanted Lantern]

Profession: Cataclysm Enchanting [75]

Taught By: [Formula: Enchanted Lantern]

Enchanted Torch [Enchanted Torch]

Profession: Legion Enchanting [1]

Taught By: [Formula: Enchanted Torch]

Everburning Treant [Everburning Treant]

Drop: Zim'kaga [50+]

Zone: Darkshore Warfront

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown


Drop: Onu [50+]

Zone: Darkshore Warfront

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Festival Lantern [Festival Lantern]

World Event: Lunar Festival

Vendor: Valadar Starsong

Zone: Moonglade

Cost: 50Coin of Ancestry (unlimited supply)

Fiendish Imp [Satyr Charm]

Drop: Terestian Illhoof [??+]

Zone: Karazhan

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 17

Fire Beetle

Pet Battle: [13-14] Searing Gorge; [15-16] Un'Goro Crater; [15-16] Burning Steppes; [16-17] Blasted Lands; [22-23] Mount Hyjal

Firebat Pup [Firebat Pup]

Order Hall Mission: Friends, Not Food

Zone: Class Order Hall

Flamering Moth

Pet Battle: [25] Timeless Isle

Flash [Flash]

Promotion: The War Within Epic Edition

Quest: Gryphons of a Feather [1]

Zone: Valdrakken

Fun-Size Flarendo [Fun-Size Flarendo]

Vendor: Snix Longpocket, Skitto Screwjack

Zone: Undermine

Faction: Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club (Renown Nine)

Cost: ??

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