
Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis
Taught By: [Archetype of Survival]

Pet Battle: [23-24] The Veiled Stair; [23-25] The Jade Forest; [23-25] Valley of the Four Winds

Pet Battle: [3-6] Darkshore; [4-6] Ashenvale; [7-9] Northern Stranglethorn; [9-10] The Cape of Stranglethorn; [13-14] Badlands; [14-15] Felwood; [15-16] Un'Goro Crater; [16-17] Silithus

Pet Battle: [1] Kezan; [1-2] Dun Morogh; [5-7] Duskwood; [6-7] Wetlands; [10-11] Western Plaguelands; [12-13] Dustwallow Marsh; [12-13] Eastern Plaguelands; [13-14] Badlands; [13-14] Thousand Needles; [23-24] Twilight Highlands

Profession: Battle for Azeroth Alchemy [50]
Drop: Quivering Sac after 7 days becomes [Grumbling Sac]
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Pet Battle: [1-2] Durotar; [6-7] Wetlands; [11-12] The Hinterlands; [15-16] Burning Steppes; [15-16] Un'Goro Crater; [22-23] Icecrown; [23-24] Twilight Highlands; [25] Gorgrond

Vendor: Sylvia Whisperbloom
Zone: Emerald Dream
Faction: Dream Wardens (Renown Eleven)
Drop: Plump Dreamy Bounty
Zone: Emerald Dream
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis
Taught By: [Fierce Scarabid]