
Guild Achievement: Critter Kill Squad
Category: General
Vendor: Guild Vendor - Guild
Cost: 300 (unlimited supply)

Achievement: WoW's 4th Anniversary
Category: Feats of Strength

Vendor: Unatos
Zone: Valdrakken
Faction: Valldrakken Accord (Renown Eighteen)
Cost: 3 1
(unlimited supply)
Vendor: Groundskeeper Kama
Zone: Valdrakken
Cost: 3 1
(unlimited supply)
Quest: A Collection of Creatures [60]
Zone: Valdrakken
Faction: Â Valldrakken Accord (Renown Eighteen)

Drop: Ebon Whelp [10-30]
Zone: Wetlands
Drop: Searing Whelp [15-30], Searing Hatchling [15-30]
Zone: Dustwallow Marsh
Drop: Scalding Whelp [15-30], Nyxondra's Broodling [15-30], Raging Whelp [15-30]
Zone: Badlands
Drop: Flamescale Broodling [15-30]
Zone: Burning Steppes
Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 1100

World Event: Darkmoon Faire (first week of each month)
Vendor: Lhara
Zone: Darkmoon Island
Cost: 90 (unlimited supply)
Drop: Darkmoon Game Prize
Zone: Darkmoon Island
Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 1,250

Drop: World Drop
Zone: The Waking Shores, Ohn'ahran Plains, The Azure Span, Thaldraszus
Dragonflight Primal Storm: Earth
Approximate Drop Rate: Â Unknown