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Primal Cry

Primal Cry
3 Round Cooldown

100% Hit Chance 


Frightens the enemy team, dealing 197 Beast damage to all enemy pets and reducing their speed by 25% for 4 rounds.

Vs. Critter

Vs. Flying


1-22 of 22
Used By:
Anxious Nibbler

Pet Battle: [25] Korthia

Baby Zandalari Raptor

Pet Battle: [25] Zuldazar


Pet Store 

Direhorn Runt [Direhorn Runt]

Drop: Primal Direhorn [35+], Primal Direhorn Hatchling [35+]

Zone: Isle of Giants

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 60

Domestic Aunian [Domestic Aunian]

Vendor: Duchess Mynx

Zone: Korthia

Faction: Death's Advance - Honored

Cost: 50Polished Pet Charm 1500Stygia (unlimited supply)

Fun-Size Flarendo [Fun-Size Flarendo]

Vendor: Snix Longpocket, Skitto Screwjack

Zone: Undermine

Faction: Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club (Renown Nine)

Cost: ??

Hoofhelper [Hoofhelper]

Vendor: Quartermaster Huseng

Zone: Ohn'ahran Plains

Faction: Maruuk Centaur (Renown Eight)

Cost: 5Tallstrider Sinew 20Resilient Leather 150Dragon Isles Supplies (unlimited supply)

Korthian Specimen [Korthian Specimen]

Drop: Zelnithop [60]

Zone: Korthia

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Leviathan Hatchling [Leviathan Egg]

Drop: High Warlord Naj'entus [??+]

Zone: Black Temple

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 20

Mosscoated Gromit [Mosscoated Hopper]

Drop: Death's Advance Supplies

Zone: Korthia

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Pygmy Direhorn [Pygmy Direhorn]

Drop: Horridon [??+]

Zone: Throne of Thunder

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 250

Storm-Touched Stomper

Pet Battle: [25] The Waking Shores

Dragonflight World Event: Â Primal Storm

Young Garnetgullet

Pet Battle: [25] Korthia

1-22 of 22
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