Poison Fang

Pet Battle: [1-2] Dun Morogh; [1-2] Durotar; [3-4] Northern Barrens; [7-9] Northern Stranglethorn; [9-10] Southern Barrens; [16-17] Blasted Lands; [17-18] Hellfire Peninsula; [18-19] Nagrand (Outland); [25] Spires of Arak; [25] Nagrand (Draenor)

Pet Battle: [1] City of Threads; [25] The Ringing Deeps; [25] Hallowfall; [25] Azj-Kahet

Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis
Taught By: [Archetype of Cunning]

Pet Battle: [23-24] The Veiled Stair; [23-25] The Jade Forest; [23-25] Valley of the Four Winds

Pet Battle: [1] Kezan; [1-2] Dun Morogh; [5-7] Duskwood; [6-7] Wetlands; [10-11] Western Plaguelands; [12-13] Dustwallow Marsh; [12-13] Eastern Plaguelands; [13-14] Badlands; [13-14] Thousand Needles; [23-24] Twilight Highlands

Sanctum Feature: The Ember Court (tier 3)
Zone: Revendreth
Covenant: Venthyr
Drop: Tribute Chest
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown
Sanctum Feature: Queen's Conservatory (tier 2)
Zone: Ardenweald
Covenant: Night Fae
Drop: Queen's Conservatory Cache (Prideful Spirit)
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown
Sanctum Feature: Path of Ascension (tier 1)
Zone: Bastion
Covenant: Kyrian
Vendor: Zeleskos
Requires Achievement: Itsy Bitsy Fighters
Sanctum Feature: Abomination Factory (tier 1)
Zone: Maldraxxus
Covenant: Necrolord
Vendor: Atticus
Faction: Stitchmasters - Honored

Quest: Pet Battle Challenge: Wailing Caverns [45]
Zone: Northern Barrens
Drop: Damp Pet Supplies
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Drop: Mysterious Egg after 3 days becomes [Cracked Egg]
Contains: 1 in 5 options

Vendor: Dealer Rashaad
Zone: Netherstorm
Cost: 50 (unlimited supply)
Vendor: Xan'tish
Zone: Orgrimmar
Cost: 50 (unlimited supply)