Nap Time
1-16 of 16
Used By:

Scenario: Island Expeditions
Approximate Scenario Rate: Unknown

World Event: Children's Week
Quest: Return to the Hall of Castes (H) / Return to the Orphanage (A) [10]

Profession: Dragonflight Jewelcrafting [50]
Taught By: [Design: Jeweled Emerald Whelpling]

Drop: Dirty Glinting Object
Zone: Ardenweald, Bastion, Maldraxxus, Revendreth
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Vendor: Sylvia Whisperbloom
Zone: Emerald Dream
Faction: Dream Wardens (Renown Eleven)
Drop: Plump Dreamy Bounty
Zone: Emerald Dream
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis
Taught By: [Tunneling Vombata]
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