Crystal Prison
1-20 of 20
Used By:

Profession: Dragonflight Jewelcrafting [50]
Taught By: [Design: Jeweled Emerald Whelpling]

Profession: Dragonflight Jewelcrafting [50]
Taught By: [Design: Jeweled Onyx Whelpling]

Profession: Dragonflight Jewelcrafting [50]
Taught By: [Design: Jeweled Ruby Whelpling]

Profession: Dragonflight Jewelcrafting [50]
Taught By: [Design: Jeweled Sapphire Whelpling]

Quest: Pandaren Spirit Tamer [1]
Zone: Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Drop: Pandaren Spirit Pet Supplies
Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 10

Vendor: Ponzo
Zone: Zaralek Cavern
Faction: Loamm Niffen (Renown 1-11)
Faction: Loamm Niffen (Renown 12+)
1-20 of 20