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4 Round Cooldown

100% Hit Chance 


Submerges, becoming unattackable for one round.


On the next round, you attack, dealing 591 Aquatic damage.

Vs. Elemental

Vs. Magic


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1-25 of 92
Used By:
Amethyst Softshell [Amethyst Softshell]

Drop: Amethyst Spireshell [50]

Zone: Nazjatar

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Archetype of Vigilance [Archetype of Vigilance]

Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis

Taught By: [Archetype of Vigilance]

Backswimmer Timbertooth [Backswimmer Timbertooth]

Vendor: Jiq

Zone:  The Azure Span

Faction:  Iskaarra Tuskarr (Renown Nine)

Cost: 1 Runed Writhebark 5Tallstrider Sinew 150Dragon Isles Supplies (unlimited supply)


Quest: Cute and Cuddly [60]

Zone:  The Azure Span

Faction: Iskaarra Tuskarr (Renown Nine)

Blackchasm Crawler

Pet Battle: The Eternal Palace (Raid)


Pet Battle: [25] Nazjatar

Bound Stream [Lesser Circle of Binding]

Drop: Elementium Monstrosity [??+]

Zone: The Bastion of Twilight

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Cave Crab

Pet Battle: [25] Undermine

Chitterspine Deepstalker

Pet Battle: The Eternal Palace (Raid)

Coralback Fiddler

Pet Battle: [25] Highmountain

Cou'pa [Cou'pa]

Vendor: Collector Kojo

Zone: Stormsong Valley

Faction: Tortollan Seekers - Revered

Cost: 200Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Collector Kojo

Zone: Zuldazar

Faction: Tortollan Seekers - Revered

Cost: 200Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Crimson Octopode [Crimson Octopode]

Vendor: Captain Klarisa

Zone: Tiragarde Sound

Cost: 100Seafarer's Dubloon (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Captain Zen'taga

Zone: Zuldazar

Cost: 100Seafarer's Dubloon (unlimited supply)

Daggertooth Frenzy [Daggertooth Frenzy]

Drop: Daggertooth Terror [50]

Zone: Nazjatar

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Deeptide Fingerling

Pet Battle: [25] Nazjatar

Diamond Crab

Pet Battle: [25] Isle of Dorn

Echo of the Depths [Echo of the Depths]

Drop: World Drop

Zone: The Waking Shores, Ohn'ahran Plains, The Azure Span, Thaldraszus

Dragonflight Primal Storm: Water

Approximate Drop Rate:   Unknown

Fen Crab

Pet Battle: [25] Tanaan Jungle

Frostshell Pincher

Pet Battle: [23-25] Frostfire Ridge

Ghost Shark [Ghost Shark]

Profession: Legion Fishing

Vendor: Ilyssia of the Waters - Good Friend

Zone: Azsuna

Cost: 50Fragmented Enchantment (unlimited supply)

Gilded Wader [Gilded Wader]

Drop: Calling Treasures

Zone: Shadowlands

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Glimmershell Scuttler

Pet Battle: [25] Nazjatar

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